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Interface AfnStrip


  • AfnStrip



Optional auxiliaryUrl

auxiliaryUrl: string

Auxiliary Url to be consumed by MTM

Optional creationDate

creationDate: Date

Creation date of the AfnStrip

Optional fileName

fileName: string

File name of the attachment created

Optional id

id: number

ID of AfnStrip. This is same as the attachment ID.

Optional project

project: string

Project identifier which contains AfnStrip

Optional storedIn

storedIn: string

Service in which this attachment is stored in

Optional stream

stream: string

Afn strip stream.

Optional testCaseId

testCaseId: number

ID of the testcase.

Optional testResultId

testResultId: number

Backing test result id.

Optional testRunId

testRunId: number

Backing test run id.

Optional unCompressedStreamLength

unCompressedStreamLength: number

Byte stream (uncompressed) length of Afn strip.

Optional url

url: string

Url of the attachment created.

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