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Interface Build

Data representation of a build.


  • Build



Optional buildNumber

buildNumber: string

The build number/name of the build.

Optional buildNumberRevision

buildNumberRevision: number

The build number revision.

Optional controller

controller: BuildController

The build controller. This is only set if the definition type is Xaml.

Optional definition

The definition associated with the build.

Optional deleted

deleted: boolean

Indicates whether the build has been deleted.

Optional deletedBy

deletedBy: IdentityRef

The identity of the process or person that deleted the build.

Optional deletedDate

deletedDate: Date

The date the build was deleted.

Optional deletedReason

deletedReason: string

The description of how the build was deleted.

Optional demands

demands: Array<Demand>

A list of demands that represents the agent capabilities required by this build.

Optional finishTime

finishTime: Date

The time that the build was completed.

Optional id

id: number

The ID of the build.

Optional keepForever

keepForever: boolean

Indicates whether the build should be skipped by retention policies.

Optional lastChangedBy

lastChangedBy: IdentityRef

The identity representing the process or person that last changed the build.

Optional lastChangedDate

lastChangedDate: Date

The date the build was last changed.

Optional links

Optional logs

Information about the build logs.

Optional orchestrationPlan

The orchestration plan for the build.

Optional parameters

parameters: string

The parameters for the build.

Optional plans

Orchestration plans associated with the build (build, cleanup)

Optional project

The team project.

Optional properties

Optional quality

quality: string

The quality of the xaml build (good, bad, etc.)

Optional queue

The queue. This is only set if the definition type is Build.

Optional queuePosition

queuePosition: number

The current position of the build in the queue.

Optional queueTime

queueTime: Date

The time that the build was queued.

Optional repository

repository: BuildRepository

The repository.

Optional requestedBy

requestedBy: IdentityRef

The identity that queued the build.

Optional requestedFor

requestedFor: IdentityRef

The identity on whose behalf the build was queued.

Optional retainedByRelease

retainedByRelease: boolean

Indicates whether the build is retained by a release.

Optional sourceBranch

sourceBranch: string

The source branch.

Optional sourceVersion

sourceVersion: string

The source version.

Optional startTime

startTime: Date

The time that the build was started.

Optional tags

tags: Array<string>

Optional triggerInfo

triggerInfo: object

Sourceprovider-specific information about what triggered the build

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: string

Optional triggeredByBuild

triggeredByBuild: Build

The build that triggered this build via a Build completion trigger.

Optional uri

uri: string

The URI of the build.

Optional url

url: string

The REST URL of the build.

Optional validationResults

validationResults: Array<BuildRequestValidationResult>

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