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Interface BuildReference

Reference to a build.


  • BuildReference



Optional branchName

branchName: string

Branch name.

Optional buildNumber

buildNumber: string

The build number.

Optional buildSystem

buildSystem: string

Build system.

Optional definitionId

definitionId: number

Build Definition ID.

Optional deleted

deleted: boolean

Indicates whether the build has been deleted.

Optional finishTime

finishTime: Date

The time that the build was completed.

Optional id

id: number

Build ID.

Optional links

Optional number

number: string

Build Number.

Optional queueTime

queueTime: Date

The time that the build was queued.

Optional repositoryId

repositoryId: string

Repository ID.

Optional requestedFor

requestedFor: IdentityRef

The identity on whose behalf the build was queued.

Optional startTime

startTime: Date

The time that the build was started.

Optional uri

uri: string

Build URI.

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