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Interface BuildVersion


  • BuildVersion



Optional commitMessage

commitMessage: string

Gets or sets the commit message for the artifact.

Optional definitionId

definitionId: string

Gets or sets the definition id.

Optional definitionName

definitionName: string

Gets or sets the definition name.

Optional id

id: string

Gets or sets the build id.

Optional isMultiDefinitionType

isMultiDefinitionType: boolean

Gets or sets if the artifact supports multiple definitions.

Optional name

name: string

Gets or sets the build number.

Optional sourceBranch

sourceBranch: string

Gets or sets the source branch for the artifact.

Optional sourcePullRequestVersion

sourcePullRequestVersion: SourcePullRequestVersion

Gets or sets the source pull request version for the artifact.

Optional sourceRepositoryId

sourceRepositoryId: string

Gets or sets the repository id for the artifact.

Optional sourceRepositoryType

sourceRepositoryType: string

Gets or sets the repository type for the artifact.

Optional sourceVersion

sourceVersion: string

Gets or sets the source version for the artifact.

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