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Interface ChangeListSearchCriteria

Criteria used in a search for change lists


  • ChangeListSearchCriteria



Optional compareVersion

compareVersion: string

If provided, a version descriptor to compare against base

Optional excludeDeletes

excludeDeletes: boolean

If true, don't include delete history entries

Optional followRenames

followRenames: boolean

Whether or not to follow renames for the given item being queried

Optional fromDate

fromDate: string

If provided, only include history entries created after this date (string)

Optional fromVersion

fromVersion: string

If provided, a version descriptor for the earliest change list to include

Optional itemPath

itemPath: string

Path of item to search under. If the itemPaths memebr is used then it will take precedence over this.

Optional itemPaths

itemPaths: Array<string>

List of item paths to search under. If this member is used then itemPath will be ignored.

Optional itemVersion

itemVersion: string

Version of the items to search

Optional skip

skip: number

Number of results to skip (used when clicking more...)

Optional toDate

toDate: string

If provided, only include history entries created before this date (string)

Optional toVersion

toVersion: string

If provided, a version descriptor for the latest change list to include

Optional top

top: number

If provided, the maximum number of history entries to return

Optional user

user: string

Alias or display name of user who made the changes

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