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Interface CommentThread

Represents a comment thread of a pull request. A thread contains meta data about the file it was left on along with one or more comments (an initial comment and the subsequent replies).




Optional comments

comments: Array<Comment>

A list of the comments.

Optional id

id: number

The comment thread id.

Optional identities

identities: object

Set of identities related to this thread

Type declaration

Optional isDeleted

isDeleted: boolean

Specify if the thread is deleted which happens when all comments are deleted.

Optional lastUpdatedDate

lastUpdatedDate: Date

The time this thread was last updated.

Optional links

Links to other related objects.

Optional properties

Optional properties associated with the thread as a collection of key-value pairs.

Optional publishedDate

publishedDate: Date

The time this thread was published.

Optional threadContext

threadContext: CommentThreadContext

Specify thread context such as position in left/right file.

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