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Interface CommentTrackingCriteria

Comment tracking criteria is used to identify which iteration context the thread has been tracked to (if any) along with some detail about the original position and filename.


  • CommentTrackingCriteria



Optional firstComparingIteration

firstComparingIteration: number

The iteration of the file on the left side of the diff that the thread will be tracked to. Threads were tracked if this is greater than 0.

Optional origFilePath

origFilePath: string

Original filepath the thread was created on before tracking. This will be different than the current thread filepath if the file in question was renamed in a later iteration.

Optional origLeftFileEnd

origLeftFileEnd: CommentPosition

Original position of last character of the thread's span in left file.

Optional origLeftFileStart

origLeftFileStart: CommentPosition

Original position of first character of the thread's span in left file.

Optional origRightFileEnd

origRightFileEnd: CommentPosition

Original position of last character of the thread's span in right file.

Optional origRightFileStart

origRightFileStart: CommentPosition

Original position of first character of the thread's span in right file.

Optional secondComparingIteration

secondComparingIteration: number

The iteration of the file on the right side of the diff that the thread will be tracked to. Threads were tracked if this is greater than 0.

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