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Interface ConsumerAction

Defines the data contract of a consumer action.


  • ConsumerAction



Optional allowResourceVersionOverride

allowResourceVersionOverride: boolean

Gets or sets the flag indicating if resource version can be overridden when creating or editing a subscription.

Optional consumerId

consumerId: string

Gets or sets the identifier of the consumer to which this action belongs.

Optional description

description: string

Gets or sets this action's localized description.

Optional id

id: string

Gets or sets this action's identifier.

Optional inputDescriptors

inputDescriptors: Array<InputDescriptor>

Gets or sets this action's input descriptors.

Optional links

Reference Links

Optional name

name: string

Gets or sets this action's localized name.

Optional supportedEventTypes

supportedEventTypes: Array<string>

Gets or sets this action's supported event identifiers.

Optional supportedResourceVersions

supportedResourceVersions: object

Gets or sets this action's supported resource versions.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: Array<string>

Optional url

url: string

The url for this resource

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