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Interface ContributionConstraint

Specifies a constraint that can be used to dynamically include/exclude a given contribution


  • ContributionConstraint



Optional group

group: number

An optional property that can be specified to group constraints together. All constraints within a group are AND'd together (all must be evaluate to True in order for the contribution to be included). Different groups of constraints are OR'd (only one group needs to evaluate to True for the contribution to be included).

Optional id

id: string

Fully qualified identifier of a shared constraint

Optional inverse

inverse: boolean

If true, negate the result of the filter (include the contribution if the applied filter returns false instead of true)

Optional name

name: string

Name of the IContributionFilter plugin

Optional properties

properties: JObject

Properties that are fed to the contribution filter class

Optional relationships

relationships: Array<string>

Constraints can be optionally be applied to one or more of the relationships defined in the contribution. If no relationships are defined then all relationships are associated with the constraint. This means the default behaviour will elimiate the contribution from the tree completely if the constraint is applied.

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