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Interface DataProviderResult

Result structure from calls to GetDataProviderData


  • DataProviderResult



Optional clientProviders

clientProviders: object

This is the set of data providers that were requested, but either they were defined as client providers, or as remote providers that failed and may be retried by the client.

Type declaration

Optional data

data: object

Property bag of data keyed off of the data provider contribution id

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any

Optional exceptions

exceptions: object

Set of exceptions that occurred resolving the data providers.

Type declaration

Optional resolvedProviders

resolvedProviders: Array<ResolvedDataProvider>

List of data providers resolved in the data-provider query

Optional scopeName

scopeName: string

Scope name applied to this data provider result.

Optional scopeValue

scopeValue: string

Scope value applied to this data provider result.

Optional sharedData

sharedData: object

Property bag of shared data that was contributed to by any of the individual data providers

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any

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