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Interface DebugEntry

A dual-purpose data object, the debug entry is used by the client to publish the symbol file (with file's blob identifier, which can be calculated from VSTS hashing algorithm) or query the file (with a client key). Since the symbol server tries to return a matched symbol file with the richest information level, it may not always point to the same symbol file for different queries with same client key.




Optional createdBy

createdBy: string

The ID of user who created this item. Optional.

Optional createdDate

createdDate: Date

The date time when this item is created. Optional.

Optional id

id: string

An identifier for this item. Optional.

Optional storageETag

storageETag: string

An opaque ETag used to synchronize with the version stored at server end. Optional.

Optional url

url: string

A URI which can be used to retrieve this item in its raw format. Optional. Note this is distinguished from other URIs that are present in a derived resource.

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