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Interface ExtensionEventCallbackCollection

Collection of event callbacks - endpoints called when particular extension events occur.


  • ExtensionEventCallbackCollection



Optional postDisable

Optional. Defines an endpoint that gets called via a POST reqeust to notify that an extension disable has occurred.

Optional postEnable

Optional. Defines an endpoint that gets called via a POST reqeust to notify that an extension enable has occurred.

Optional postInstall

Optional. Defines an endpoint that gets called via a POST reqeust to notify that an extension install has completed.

Optional postUninstall

postUninstall: ExtensionEventCallback

Optional. Defines an endpoint that gets called via a POST reqeust to notify that an extension uninstall has occurred.

Optional postUpdate

Optional. Defines an endpoint that gets called via a POST reqeust to notify that an extension update has occurred.

Optional preInstall

Optional. Defines an endpoint that gets called via a POST reqeust to notify that an extension install is about to occur. Response indicates whether to proceed or abort.

Optional versionCheck

For multi-version extensions, defines an endpoint that gets called via an OPTIONS request to determine the particular version of the extension to be used

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