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Interface FeedCore

An object that contains all of the settings for a specific feed.




Optional fullyQualifiedId

fullyQualifiedId: string

This will either be the feed GUID or the feed GUID and view GUID depending on how the feed was accessed.

Optional fullyQualifiedName

fullyQualifiedName: string

Full name of the view, in feed@view format.

Optional id

id: string

A GUID that uniquely identifies this feed.

Optional isReadOnly

isReadOnly: boolean

If set, all packages in the feed are immutable. It is important to note that feed views are immutable; therefore, this flag will always be set for views.

Optional name

name: string

A name for the feed. feed names must follow these rules: Must not exceed 64 characters Must not contain whitespaces Must not start with an underscore or a period Must not end with a period Must not contain any of the following illegal characters: , |, /, \\, ?, :, &, $, *, \", #, [, ] ]]>

Optional upstreamEnabled

upstreamEnabled: boolean

OBSOLETE: This should always be true. Setting to false will override all sources in UpstreamSources.

Optional upstreamSources

upstreamSources: Array<UpstreamSource>

A list of sources that this feed will fetch packages from. An empty list indicates that this feed will not search any additional sources for packages.

Optional view

view: FeedView

Definition of the view.

Optional viewId

viewId: string

View Id.

Optional viewName

viewName: string

View name.

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