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Interface GitPullRequestCompletionOptions

Preferences about how the pull request should be completed.


  • GitPullRequestCompletionOptions



Optional bypassPolicy

bypassPolicy: boolean

If true, policies will be explicitly bypassed while the pull request is completed.

Optional bypassReason

bypassReason: string

If policies are bypassed, this reason is stored as to why bypass was used.

Optional deleteSourceBranch

deleteSourceBranch: boolean

If true, the source branch of the pull request will be deleted after completion.

Optional mergeCommitMessage

mergeCommitMessage: string

If set, this will be used as the commit message of the merge commit.

Optional squashMerge

squashMerge: boolean

If true, the commits in the pull request will be squash-merged into the specified target branch on completion.

Optional transitionWorkItems

transitionWorkItems: boolean

If true, we will attempt to transition any work items linked to the pull request into the next logical state (i.e. Active -> Resolved)

Optional triggeredByAutoComplete

triggeredByAutoComplete: boolean

If true, the current completion attempt was triggered via auto-complete. Used internally.

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