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Interface GraphScopeCreationContext

This type is the subset of fields that can be provided by the user to create a Vsts scope. Scope creation is currently limited to internal back-compat scenarios. End users that attempt to create a scope with this API will fail.


  • GraphScopeCreationContext



Optional adminGroupDescription

adminGroupDescription: string

Set this field to override the default description of this scope's admin group.

Optional adminGroupName

adminGroupName: string

All scopes have an Administrator Group that controls access to the contents of the scope. Set this field to use a non-default group name for that administrators group.

Optional creatorId

creatorId: string

Set this optional field if this scope is created on behalf of a user other than the user making the request. This should be the Id of the user that is not the requester.

Optional name

name: string

The scope must be provided with a unique name within the parent scope. This means the created scope can have a parent or child with the same name, but no siblings with the same name.

Optional storageKey

storageKey: string

An optional ID that uniquely represents the scope within it's parent scope. If this parameter is not provided, Vsts will generate on automatically.

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