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Interface ManualIntervention


  • ManualIntervention



Optional approver

approver: IdentityRef

Gets or sets the identity who should approve.

Optional comments

comments: string

Gets or sets comments for approval.

Optional createdOn

createdOn: Date

Gets date on which it got created.

Optional id

id: number

Gets the unique identifier for manual intervention.

Optional instructions

instructions: string

Gets or sets instructions for approval.

Optional modifiedOn

modifiedOn: Date

Gets date on which it got modified.

Optional name

name: string

Gets or sets the name.

Optional release

Gets releaseReference for manual intervention.

Optional releaseDefinition

Gets releaseDefinitionReference for manual intervention.

Optional releaseEnvironment

Gets releaseEnvironmentReference for manual intervention.

Optional taskInstanceId

taskInstanceId: string

Get task instance identifier.

Optional url

url: string

Gets url to access the manual intervention.

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