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Interface MinimalPackageVersion

Core data about any package, including its id and version information and basic state.




Optional directUpstreamSourceId

directUpstreamSourceId: string

Upstream source this package was ingested from.

Optional id

id: string

Id for the package.

Optional isCachedVersion

isCachedVersion: boolean

[Obsolete] Used for legacy scenarios and may be removed in future versions.

Optional isDeleted

isDeleted: boolean

True if this package has been deleted.

Optional isLatest

isLatest: boolean

True if this is the latest version of the package by package type sort order.

Optional isListed

isListed: boolean

(NuGet Only) True if this package is listed.

Optional normalizedVersion

normalizedVersion: string

Normalized version using normalization rules specific to a package type.

Optional packageDescription

packageDescription: string

Package description.

Optional publishDate

publishDate: Date

UTC Date the package was published to the service.

Optional storageId

storageId: string

Internal storage id.

Optional version

version: string

Display version.

Optional views

views: Array<FeedView>

List of views containing this package version.

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