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Interface NotificationDetails

Defines the data contract of notification details.


  • NotificationDetails



Optional completedDate

completedDate: Date

Gets or sets the time that this notification was completed (response received from the consumer)

Optional consumerActionId

consumerActionId: string

Gets or sets this notification detail's consumer action identifier.

Optional consumerId

consumerId: string

Gets or sets this notification detail's consumer identifier.

Optional consumerInputs

consumerInputs: object

Gets or sets this notification detail's consumer inputs.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: string

Optional dequeuedDate

dequeuedDate: Date

Gets or sets the time that this notification was dequeued for processing

Optional errorDetail

errorDetail: string

Gets or sets this notification detail's error detail.

Optional errorMessage

errorMessage: string

Gets or sets this notification detail's error message.

Optional event

event: Event

Gets or sets this notification detail's event content.

Optional eventType

eventType: string

Gets or sets this notification detail's event type.

Optional processedDate

processedDate: Date

Gets or sets the time that this notification was finished processing (just before the request is sent to the consumer)

Optional publisherId

publisherId: string

Gets or sets this notification detail's publisher identifier.

Optional publisherInputs

publisherInputs: object

Gets or sets this notification detail's publisher inputs.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: string

Optional queuedDate

queuedDate: Date

Gets or sets the time that this notification was queued (created)

Optional request

request: string

Gets or sets this notification detail's request.

Optional requestAttempts

requestAttempts: number

Number of requests attempted to be sent to the consumer

Optional requestDuration

requestDuration: number

Duration of the request to the consumer in seconds

Optional response

response: string

Gets or sets this notification detail's reponse.

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