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Interface NotificationEventType

Encapsulates the properties of an event type. It defines the fields, that can be used for filtering, for that event type.


  • NotificationEventType



Optional category

Optional color

color: string

Gets or sets the color representing this event type. Example: rgb(128,245,211) or #fafafa

Optional customSubscriptionsAllowed

customSubscriptionsAllowed: boolean

Optional eventPublisher

Optional fields

fields: object

Type declaration

Optional hasInitiator

hasInitiator: boolean

Optional icon

icon: string

Gets or sets the icon representing this event type. Can be a URL or a CSS class. Example: css://some-css-class

Optional id

id: string

Gets or sets the unique identifier of this event definition.

Optional name

name: string

Gets or sets the name of this event definition.

Optional roles

roles: Array<NotificationEventRole>

Optional supportedScopes

supportedScopes: Array<string>

Gets or sets the scopes that this event type supports

Optional url

url: string

Gets or sets the rest end point to get this event type details (fields, fields types)

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