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Interface NotificationSubscription

A subscription defines criteria for matching events and how the subscription's subscriber should be notified about those events.


  • NotificationSubscription



Optional adminSettings

Admin-managed settings for the subscription. Only applies when the subscriber is a group.

Optional channel

Channel for delivering notifications triggered by the subscription.

Optional description

description: string

Description of the subscription. Typically describes filter criteria which helps identity the subscription.

Optional diagnostics

Diagnostics for this subscription.

Optional extendedProperties

extendedProperties: object

Any extra properties like detailed description for different contexts, user/group contexts

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: string

Optional filter

Matching criteria for the subscription. ExpressionFilter

Optional id

id: string

Subscription identifier.

Optional lastModifiedBy

lastModifiedBy: IdentityRef

User that last modified (or created) the subscription.

Optional links

Links to related resources, APIs, and views for the subscription.

Optional modifiedDate

modifiedDate: Date

Date when the subscription was last modified. If the subscription has not been updated since it was created, this value will indicate when the subscription was created.

Optional scope

The container in which events must be published from in order to be matched by the subscription. If empty, the scope is the current host (typically an account or project collection). For example, a subscription scoped to project A will not produce notifications for events published from project B.

Optional statusMessage

statusMessage: string

Message that provides more details about the status of the subscription.

Optional subscriber

subscriber: IdentityRef

User or group that will receive notifications for events matching the subscription's filter criteria.

Optional url

url: string

REST API URL of the subscriotion.

Optional userSettings

User-managed settings for the subscription. Only applies when the subscriber is a group. Typically used to indicate whether the calling user is opted in or out of a group subscription.

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