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Interface OAuthConfiguration


  • OAuthConfiguration



Optional clientId

clientId: string

Gets or sets the ClientId

Optional clientSecret

clientSecret: string

Gets or sets the ClientSecret

Optional createdBy

createdBy: IdentityRef

Gets or sets the identity who created the config.

Optional createdOn

createdOn: Date

Gets or sets the time when config was created.

Optional endpointType

endpointType: string

Gets or sets the type of the endpoint.

Optional id

id: string

Gets or sets the unique identifier of this field

Optional modifiedBy

modifiedBy: IdentityRef

Gets or sets the identity who modified the config.

Optional modifiedOn

modifiedOn: Date

Gets or sets the time when variable group was modified

Optional name

name: string

Gets or sets the name

Optional url

url: string

Gets or sets the Url

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