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Interface Page


  • Page



Optional contribution

contribution: WitContribution

Contribution for the page.

Optional id

id: string

The id for the layout node.

Optional inherited

inherited: boolean

A value indicating whether this layout node has been inherited from a parent layout. This is expected to only be only set by the combiner.

Optional isContribution

isContribution: boolean

A value indicating if the layout node is contribution are not.

Optional label

label: string

The label for the page.

Optional locked

locked: boolean

A value indicating whether any user operations are permitted on this page and the contents of this page

Optional order

order: number

Order in which the page should appear in the layout.

Optional overridden

overridden: boolean

A value indicating whether this layout node has been overridden by a child layout.

Optional sections

sections: Array<Section>

The sections of the page.

Optional visible

visible: boolean

A value indicating if the page should be hidden or not.

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