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Interface Plan

Data contract for the plan definition


  • Plan



Optional createdByIdentity

createdByIdentity: IdentityRef

Identity that created this plan. Defaults to null for records before upgrading to ScaledAgileViewComponent4.

Optional createdDate

createdDate: Date

Date when the plan was created

Optional description

description: string

Description of the plan

Optional id

id: string

Id of the plan

Optional modifiedByIdentity

modifiedByIdentity: IdentityRef

Identity that last modified this plan. Defaults to null for records before upgrading to ScaledAgileViewComponent4.

Optional modifiedDate

modifiedDate: Date

Date when the plan was last modified. Default to CreatedDate when the plan is first created.

Optional name

name: string

Name of the plan

Optional properties

properties: any

The PlanPropertyCollection instance associated with the plan. These are dependent on the type of the plan. For example, DeliveryTimelineView, it would be of type DeliveryViewPropertyCollection.

Optional revision

revision: number

Revision of the plan. Used to safeguard users from overwriting each other's changes.

Optional url

url: string

The resource url to locate the plan via rest api

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