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Interface PolicyEvaluationRecord

This record encapsulates the current state of a policy as it applies to one specific pull request. Each pull request has a unique PolicyEvaluationRecord for each pull request which the policy applies to.


  • PolicyEvaluationRecord



Optional artifactId

artifactId: string

A string which uniquely identifies the target of a policy evaluation.

Optional completedDate

completedDate: Date

Time when this policy finished evaluating on this pull request.

Optional configuration

configuration: PolicyConfiguration

Contains all configuration data for the policy which is being evaluated.

Optional context

context: JObject

Internal context data of this policy evaluation.

Optional evaluationId

evaluationId: string

Guid which uniquely identifies this evaluation record (one policy running on one pull request).

Optional links

Links to other related objects

Optional startedDate

startedDate: Date

Time when this policy was first evaluated on this pull request.

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