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Interface ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment


  • ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment



Optional badgeUrl

badgeUrl: string

Gets or sets the BadgeUrl. BadgeUrl will be used when Badge will be enabled in Release Definition Environment.

Optional conditions

conditions: Array<Condition>

Gets or sets the environment conditions.

Optional currentRelease

currentRelease: ReleaseShallowReference

Gets or sets the current release reference.

Optional demands

demands: Array<Demand>

Gets or sets the demands.

Optional deployPhases

deployPhases: Array<DeployPhase>

Gets or sets the deploy phases of environment.

Optional deployStep

Gets or sets the deploystep.

Optional environmentOptions

environmentOptions: EnvironmentOptions

Gets or sets the environment options.

Optional environmentTriggers

environmentTriggers: Array<EnvironmentTrigger>

Gets or sets the triggers on environment.

Optional executionPolicy

Gets or sets the environment execution policy.

Optional id

id: number

Gets and sets the ID of the ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment.

Optional name

name: string

Gets and sets the name of the ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment.

Optional owner

Gets and sets the Owner of the ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment.

Optional postDeployApprovals

postDeployApprovals: ReleaseDefinitionApprovals

Gets or sets the post deployment approvals.

Optional postDeploymentGates

postDeploymentGates: ReleaseDefinitionGatesStep

Gets or sets the post deployment gates.

Optional preDeployApprovals

preDeployApprovals: ReleaseDefinitionApprovals

Gets or sets the pre deployment approvals.

Optional preDeploymentGates

preDeploymentGates: ReleaseDefinitionGatesStep

Gets or sets the pre deployment gates.

Optional processParameters

processParameters: ProcessParameters

Gets or sets the environment process parameters.

Optional properties

Gets or sets the properties on environment.

Optional queueId

queueId: number

Gets or sets the queue ID.

Optional rank

rank: number

Gets and sets the rank of the ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment.

Optional retentionPolicy

Gets or sets the environment retention policy.

Optional schedules

schedules: Array<ReleaseSchedule>

Gets or sets the schedules

Optional variableGroups

variableGroups: Array<number>

Gets or sets the variable groups.

Optional variables

variables: object

Gets and sets the variables.

Type declaration

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