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Interface ReleaseEnvironment


  • ReleaseEnvironment



Optional conditions

conditions: Array<ReleaseCondition>

Gets list of conditions.

Optional createdOn

createdOn: Date

Gets date on which it got created.

Optional definitionEnvironmentId

definitionEnvironmentId: number

Gets definition environment id.

Optional deployPhasesSnapshot

deployPhasesSnapshot: Array<DeployPhase>

Gets list of deploy phases snapshot.

Optional deploySteps

deploySteps: Array<DeploymentAttempt>

Gets deploy steps.

Optional environmentOptions

environmentOptions: EnvironmentOptions

Gets environment options.

Optional id

id: number

Gets the unique identifier of this field.

Optional modifiedOn

modifiedOn: Date

Gets date on which it got modified.

Optional name

name: string

Gets name.

Optional nextScheduledUtcTime

nextScheduledUtcTime: Date

Gets next scheduled UTC time.

Optional owner

Gets the identity who is owner for release environment.

Optional postApprovalsSnapshot

postApprovalsSnapshot: ReleaseDefinitionApprovals

Gets list of post deploy approvals snapshot.

Optional postDeployApprovals

postDeployApprovals: Array<ReleaseApproval>

Gets list of post deploy approvals.

Optional postDeploymentGatesSnapshot

postDeploymentGatesSnapshot: ReleaseDefinitionGatesStep

Post deployment gates snapshot data.

Optional preApprovalsSnapshot

preApprovalsSnapshot: ReleaseDefinitionApprovals

Gets list of pre deploy approvals snapshot.

Optional preDeployApprovals

preDeployApprovals: Array<ReleaseApproval>

Gets list of pre deploy approvals.

Optional preDeploymentGatesSnapshot

preDeploymentGatesSnapshot: ReleaseDefinitionGatesStep

Pre deployment gates snapshot data.

Optional processParameters

processParameters: ProcessParameters

Gets process parameters.

Optional rank

rank: number

Gets rank.

Optional release

Gets release reference which specifies the reference of the release to which this release environment is associated.

Optional releaseCreatedBy

releaseCreatedBy: IdentityRef

Gets the identity who created release.

Optional releaseDefinition

Gets releaseDefinitionReference which specifies the reference of the release definition to which this release environment is associated.

Optional releaseId

releaseId: number

Gets release id.

Optional scheduledDeploymentTime

scheduledDeploymentTime: Date

Gets schedule deployment time of release environment.

Optional schedules

schedules: Array<ReleaseSchedule>

Gets list of schedules.

Optional timeToDeploy

timeToDeploy: number

Gets time to deploy.

Optional triggerReason

triggerReason: string

Gets trigger reason.

Optional variableGroups

variableGroups: Array<VariableGroup>

Gets the list of variable groups.

Optional variables

variables: object

Gets the dictionary of variables.

Type declaration

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