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Interface ReportingWorkItemRevisionsFilter


  • ReportingWorkItemRevisionsFilter



Optional fields

fields: Array<string>

A list of fields to return in work item revisions. Omit this parameter to get all reportable fields.

Optional includeDeleted

includeDeleted: boolean

Include deleted work item in the result.

Optional includeIdentityRef

includeIdentityRef: boolean

Return an identity reference instead of a string value for identity fields.

Optional includeLatestOnly

includeLatestOnly: boolean

Include only the latest version of a work item, skipping over all previous revisions of the work item.

Optional includeTagRef

includeTagRef: boolean

Include tag reference instead of string value for System.Tags field

Optional types

types: Array<string>

A list of types to filter the results to specific work item types. Omit this parameter to get work item revisions of all work item types.

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