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Interface RunCreateModel

Test run create details.


  • RunCreateModel



Optional automated

automated: boolean

true if test run is automated, false otherwise. By default it will be false.

Optional build

An abstracted reference to the build that it belongs.

Optional buildDropLocation

buildDropLocation: string

Drop location of the build used for test run.

Optional buildFlavor

buildFlavor: string

Flavor of the build used for test run. (E.g: Release, Debug)

Optional buildPlatform

buildPlatform: string

Platform of the build used for test run. (E.g.: x86, amd64)

Optional buildReference

buildReference: BuildConfiguration

Optional comment

comment: string

Comments entered by those analyzing the run.

Optional completeDate

completeDate: string

Completed date time of the run.

Optional configurationIds

configurationIds: Array<number>

IDs of the test configurations associated with the run.

Optional controller

controller: string

Name of the test controller used for automated run.

Optional customTestFields

customTestFields: Array<CustomTestField>

Optional dtlAutEnvironment

dtlAutEnvironment: ShallowReference

An abstracted reference to DtlAutEnvironment.

Optional dtlTestEnvironment

dtlTestEnvironment: ShallowReference

An abstracted reference to DtlTestEnvironment.

Optional dueDate

dueDate: string

Due date and time for test run.

Optional environmentDetails

environmentDetails: DtlEnvironmentDetails

Optional errorMessage

errorMessage: string

Error message associated with the run.

Optional filter

filter: RunFilter

Optional iteration

iteration: string

The iteration in which to create the run. Root iteration of the team project will be default

Optional name

name: string

Name of the test run.

Optional owner

Display name of the owner of the run.

Optional plan

An abstracted reference to the plan that it belongs.

Optional pointIds

pointIds: Array<number>

IDs of the test points to use in the run.

Optional releaseEnvironmentUri

releaseEnvironmentUri: string

URI of release environment associated with the run.

Optional releaseReference

releaseReference: ReleaseReference

Optional releaseUri

releaseUri: string

URI of release associated with the run.

Optional runSummary

runSummary: Array<RunSummaryModel>

Run summary for run Type = NoConfigRun.

Optional runTimeout

runTimeout: string

Optional sourceWorkflow

sourceWorkflow: string

Optional startDate

startDate: string

Start date time of the run.

Optional state

state: string

The state of the run. Valid states - NotStarted, InProgress, Waiting

Optional testConfigurationsMapping

testConfigurationsMapping: string

Optional testEnvironmentId

testEnvironmentId: string

ID of the test environment associated with the run.

Optional testSettings

testSettings: ShallowReference

An abstracted reference to the test settings resource.

Optional type

type: string

Type of the run(RunType)

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