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Interface SecurityNamespaceDescription

Class for describing the details of a TeamFoundationSecurityNamespace.


  • SecurityNamespaceDescription



Optional actions

actions: Array<ActionDefinition>

The list of actions that this Security Namespace is responsible for securing.

Optional dataspaceCategory

dataspaceCategory: string

This is the dataspace category that describes where the security information for this SecurityNamespace should be stored.

Optional displayName

displayName: string

This localized name for this namespace.

Optional elementLength

elementLength: number

If the security tokens this namespace will be operating on need to be split on certain character lengths to determine its elements, that length should be specified here. If not, this value will be -1.

Optional extensionType

extensionType: string

This is the type of the extension that should be loaded from the plugins directory for extending this security namespace.

Optional isRemotable

isRemotable: boolean

If true, the security namespace is remotable, allowing another service to proxy the namespace.

Optional name

name: string

This non-localized for this namespace.

Optional namespaceId

namespaceId: string

The unique identifier for this namespace.

Optional readPermission

readPermission: number

The permission bits needed by a user in order to read security data on the Security Namespace.

Optional separatorValue

separatorValue: string

If the security tokens this namespace will be operating on need to be split on certain characters to determine its elements that character should be specified here. If not, this value will be the null character.

Optional structureValue

structureValue: number

Used to send information about the structure of the security namespace over the web service.

Optional systemBitMask

systemBitMask: number

The bits reserved by system store

Optional useTokenTranslator

useTokenTranslator: boolean

If true, the security service will expect an ISecurityDataspaceTokenTranslator plugin to exist for this namespace

Optional writePermission

writePermission: number

The permission bits needed by a user in order to modify security data on the Security Namespace.

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