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Interface TaskGroupCreateParameter


  • TaskGroupCreateParameter



Optional author

author: string

Sets author name of the task group.

Optional category

category: string

Sets category of the task group.

Optional description

description: string

Sets description of the task group.

Optional friendlyName

friendlyName: string

Sets friendly name of the task group.

Optional iconUrl

iconUrl: string

Sets url icon of the task group.

Optional inputs

inputs: Array<TaskInputDefinition>

Sets input for the task group.

Optional instanceNameFormat

instanceNameFormat: string

Sets display name of the task group.

Optional name

name: string

Sets name of the task group.

Optional parentDefinitionId

parentDefinitionId: string

Sets parent task group Id. This is used while creating a draft task group.

Optional runsOn

runsOn: Array<string>

Sets RunsOn of the task group. Value can be 'Agent', 'Server' or 'DeploymentGroup'.

Optional tasks

tasks: Array<TaskGroupStep>

Sets tasks for the task group.

Optional version

version: TaskVersion

Sets version of the task group.

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