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Interface TestHistoryQuery

Filter to get TestCase result history.


  • TestHistoryQuery



Optional automatedTestName

automatedTestName: string

Automated test name of the TestCase.

Optional branch

branch: string

Results to be get for a particular branches.

Optional buildDefinitionId

buildDefinitionId: number

Get the results history only for this BuildDefinationId. This to get used in query GroupBy should be Branch. If this is provided, Branch will have no use.

Optional continuationToken

continuationToken: string

It will be filled by server. If not null means there are some results still to be get, and we need to call this REST API with this ContinuousToken. It is not supposed to be created (or altered, if received from server in last batch) by user.

Optional maxCompleteDate

maxCompleteDate: Date

History to get between time interval MaxCompleteDate and (MaxCompleteDate - TrendDays). Default is current date time.

Optional releaseEnvDefinitionId

releaseEnvDefinitionId: number

Get the results history only for this ReleaseEnvDefinitionId. This to get used in query GroupBy should be Environment.

Optional resultsForGroup

resultsForGroup: Array<TestResultHistoryForGroup>

List of TestResultHistoryForGroup which are grouped by GroupBy

Optional testCaseId

testCaseId: number

Get the results history only for this testCaseId. This to get used in query to filter the result along with automatedtestname

Optional trendDays

trendDays: number

Number of days for which history to collect. Maximum supported value is 7 days. Default is 7 days.

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