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Interface TestPoint

Test Point Class


  • TestPoint



Optional assignedTo

assignedTo: IdentityRef

AssignedTo. Type IdentityRef.

Optional automated

automated: boolean


Optional comment

comment: string

Comment associated to the Test Point

Optional configuration

Configuration associated with the Test Point

Optional failureType

failureType: string

Failure type of test point.

Optional id

id: number

Id of the Test Point

Optional isActive

isActive: boolean

Variable to decide whether the test case is Active or not

Optional isAutomated

isAutomated: boolean

Is the Test Point for Automated Test Case or Manual

Optional lastResetToActive

lastResetToActive: Date

Last Reset to Active Time Stamp for the Test Point

Optional lastResolutionStateId

lastResolutionStateId: number

Last resolution state id of test point.

Optional lastResult

lastResult: ShallowReference

Last result of test point. Type ShallowReference.

Optional lastResultDetails

lastResultDetails: LastResultDetails

Last result details of test point. Type LastResultDetails.

Optional lastResultState

lastResultState: string

Last result state of test point.

Optional lastRunBuildNumber

lastRunBuildNumber: string

LastRun build number of test point.

Optional lastTestRun

lastTestRun: ShallowReference

Last testRun of test point. Type ShallowReference.

Optional lastUpdatedBy

lastUpdatedBy: IdentityRef

Last Updated details for the Test Point

Optional lastUpdatedDate

lastUpdatedDate: Date

Last Update Time Stamp for the Test Point

Optional links

Reference links

Optional outcome

outcome: string

Outcome of test point.

Optional project

Project under which the Test Point is

Optional results

Results associated to the Test Point

Optional revision

revision: number

Revision number.

Optional state

state: string

State of test point.

Optional suite

Suite of test point. Type ShallowReference.

Optional testCase

TestCase associated to test point. Type WorkItemReference.

Optional testCaseReference

testCaseReference: TestCaseReference

Test Case Reference

Optional testPlan

Test Plan under which the Test Point is

Optional testSuite

Test Suite under which the Test Point is

Optional tester

tester: IdentityRef

Tester associated with the Test Point

Optional url

url: string

Test point Url.

Optional workItemProperties

workItemProperties: Array<any>

Work item properties of test point.

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