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Interface TestSettings2

Represents the test settings of the run. Used to create test settings and fetch test settings


  • TestSettings2



Optional areaPath

areaPath: string

Area path required to create test settings

Optional createdBy

createdBy: IdentityRef

Optional createdDate

createdDate: Date

Optional description

description: string

Description of the test settings. Used in create test settings.

Optional isPublic

isPublic: boolean

Indicates if the tests settings is public or private.Used in create test settings.

Optional lastUpdatedBy

lastUpdatedBy: IdentityRef

Optional lastUpdatedDate

lastUpdatedDate: Date

Optional machineRoles

machineRoles: string

Xml string of machine roles. Used in create test settings.

Optional testSettingsContent

testSettingsContent: string

Test settings content.

Optional testSettingsId

testSettingsId: number

Test settings id.

Optional testSettingsName

testSettingsName: string

Test settings name.

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