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Interface WidgetMetadata

Contribution based information describing Dashboard Widgets.


  • WidgetMetadata



Optional allowedSizes

allowedSizes: Array<WidgetSize>

Sizes supported by the Widget.

Optional analyticsServiceRequired

analyticsServiceRequired: boolean

Opt-in boolean that indicates if the widget requires the Analytics Service to function. Widgets requiring the analytics service are hidden from the catalog if the Analytics Service is not available.

Optional catalogIconUrl

catalogIconUrl: string

Resource for an icon in the widget catalog.

Optional catalogInfoUrl

catalogInfoUrl: string

Opt-in URL string pointing at widget information. Defaults to extension marketplace URL if omitted

Optional configurationContributionId

configurationContributionId: string

The id of the underlying contribution defining the supplied Widget custom configuration UI. Null if custom configuration UI is not available.

Optional configurationContributionRelativeId

configurationContributionRelativeId: string

The relative id of the underlying contribution defining the supplied Widget custom configuration UI. Null if custom configuration UI is not available.

Optional configurationRequired

configurationRequired: boolean

Indicates if the widget requires configuration before being added to dashboard.

Optional contentUri

contentUri: string

Uri for the widget content to be loaded from .

Optional contributionId

contributionId: string

The id of the underlying contribution defining the supplied Widget.

Optional defaultSettings

defaultSettings: string

Optional default settings to be copied into widget settings.

Optional description

description: string

Summary information describing the widget.

Optional isEnabled

isEnabled: boolean

Widgets can be disabled by the app store. We'll need to gracefully handle for: - persistence (Allow) - Requests (Tag as disabled, and provide context)

Optional isNameConfigurable

isNameConfigurable: boolean

Opt-out boolean that indicates if the widget supports widget name/title configuration. Widgets ignoring the name should set it to false in the manifest.

Optional isVisibleFromCatalog

isVisibleFromCatalog: boolean

Opt-out boolean indicating if the widget is hidden from the catalog. Commonly, this is used to allow developers to disable creation of a deprecated widget. A widget must have a functional default state, or have a configuration experience, in order to be visible from the catalog.

Optional lightboxOptions

lightboxOptions: LightboxOptions

Opt-in properties for customizing widget presentation in a "lightbox" dialog.

Optional loadingImageUrl

loadingImageUrl: string

Resource for a loading placeholder image on dashboard

Optional name

name: string

User facing name of the widget type. Each widget must use a unique value here.

Optional publisherName

publisherName: string

Publisher Name of this kind of widget.

Optional supportedScopes

supportedScopes: Array<ERRORUNKNOWN>

Data contract required for the widget to function and to work in its container.

Optional targets

targets: Array<string>

Contribution target IDs

Optional typeId

typeId: string

Deprecated: locally unique developer-facing id of this kind of widget. ContributionId provides a globally unique identifier for widget types.

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