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Interface WorkflowTask


  • WorkflowTask



Optional alwaysRun

alwaysRun: boolean

Gets or sets as the task always run or not.

Optional condition

condition: string

Gets or sets the task condition.

Optional continueOnError

continueOnError: boolean

Gets or sets as the task continue run on error or not.

Optional definitionType

definitionType: string

Gets or sets the task definition type. Example:- 'Agent', DeploymentGroup', 'Server' or 'ServerGate'.

Optional enabled

enabled: boolean

Gets or sets as the task enabled or not.

Optional environment

environment: object

Gets or sets the task environment variables.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: string

Optional inputs

inputs: object

Gets or sets the task inputs.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: string

Optional name

name: string

Gets or sets the name of the task.

Optional overrideInputs

overrideInputs: object

Gets or sets the task override inputs.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: string

Optional refName

refName: string

Gets or sets the reference name of the task.

Optional taskId

taskId: string

Gets or sets the ID of the task.

Optional timeoutInMinutes

timeoutInMinutes: number

Gets or sets the task timeout.

Optional version

version: string

Gets or sets the version of the task.

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