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Module GitChange


Type aliases


ChangeTypeEnum: "none" | "add" | "edit" | "encoding" | "rename" | "delete" | "undelete" | "branch" | "merge" | "lock" | "rollback" | "sourceRename" | "targetRename" | "property" | "all"


Optional author

author: IdentityRef

The author of the change.

Optional changeType

changeType: ChangeTypeEnum

The type of change that was made to the item.

Optional displayUri

displayUri: string

The location of a user-friendly representation of the resource.

Optional id

id: string

Something that identifies the change. For a commit, this would be the SHA1. For a TFVC changeset, this would be the changeset id.

Optional item

item: string

Current version.

Optional location

location: string

The location of the full representation of the resource.

Optional message

message: string

A description of the change. This might be a commit message or changeset description.

Optional messageTruncated

messageTruncated: boolean

Indicates whether the message was truncated.

Optional newContent

newContent: ItemContent

Content of the item after the change.

Optional pushedBy

pushedBy: IdentityRef

The person or process that pushed the change.

Optional pusher

pusher: string

The person or process that pushed the change.

Optional sourceServerItem

sourceServerItem: string

Path of the item on the server.

Optional timestamp

timestamp: Date

A timestamp for the change.

Optional type

type: string

The type of change. "commit", "changeset", etc.

Optional url

url: string

URL to retrieve the item.

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