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Interface GitCommitRef

Provides properties that describe a Git commit and associated metadata.




Optional author

author: GitUserDate

Author of the commit.

Optional changeCounts

changeCounts: ChangeCountDictionary

Counts of the types of changes (edits, deletes, etc.) included with the commit.

Optional changes

changes: Array<GitChange>

An enumeration of the changes included with the commit.

Optional comment

comment: string

Comment or message of the commit.

Optional commentTruncated

commentTruncated: boolean

Indicates if the comment is truncated from the full Git commit comment message.

Optional commitId

commitId: string

ID (SHA-1) of the commit.

Optional committer

committer: GitUserDate

Committer of the commit.

Optional links

A collection of related REST reference links.

Optional parents

parents: Array<string>

An enumeration of the parent commit IDs for this commit.

Optional push

The push associated with this commit.

Optional remoteUrl

remoteUrl: string

Remote URL path to the commit.

Optional statuses

statuses: Array<GitStatus>

A list of status metadata from services and extensions that may associate additional information to the commit.

Optional url

url: string

REST URL for this resource.

Optional workItems

workItems: Array<ResourceRef>

A list of workitems associated with this commit.

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