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Interface Release


  • Release



Optional artifacts

artifacts: Array<Artifact>

Gets or sets the list of artifacts.

Optional comment

comment: string

Gets or sets comment.

Optional createdBy

createdBy: IdentityRef

Gets or sets the identity who created.

Optional createdOn

createdOn: Date

Gets date on which it got created.

Optional definitionSnapshotRevision

definitionSnapshotRevision: number

Gets revision number of definition snapshot.

Optional description

description: string

Gets or sets description of release.

Optional environments

environments: Array<ReleaseEnvironment>

Gets list of environments.

Optional id

id: number

Gets the unique identifier of this field.

Optional keepForever

keepForever: boolean

Whether to exclude the release from retention policies.

Optional links

Gets links to access the release.

Optional logsContainerUrl

logsContainerUrl: string

Gets logs container url.

Optional modifiedBy

modifiedBy: IdentityRef

Gets or sets the identity who modified.

Optional modifiedOn

modifiedOn: Date

Gets date on which it got modified.

Optional name

name: string

Gets name.

Optional poolName

poolName: string

Gets pool name.

Optional projectReference

projectReference: ProjectReference

Gets or sets project reference.

Optional properties

Optional releaseDefinition

Gets releaseDefinitionReference which specifies the reference of the release definition to which this release is associated.

Optional releaseDefinitionRevision

releaseDefinitionRevision: number

Gets or sets the release definition revision.

Optional releaseNameFormat

releaseNameFormat: string

Gets release name format.

Optional tags

tags: Array<string>

Gets or sets list of tags.

Optional triggeringArtifactAlias

triggeringArtifactAlias: string

Optional variableGroups

variableGroups: Array<VariableGroup>

Gets the list of variable groups.

Optional variables

variables: object

Gets or sets the dictionary of variables.

Type declaration

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