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Interface TestCaseResult

Represents a test result.


  • TestCaseResult



Optional afnStripId

afnStripId: number

Test attachment ID of action recording.

Optional area

Reference to area path of test.

Optional associatedBugs

associatedBugs: Array<ShallowReference>

Reference to bugs linked to test result.

Optional automatedTestId

automatedTestId: string

ID representing test method in a dll.

Optional automatedTestName

automatedTestName: string

Fully qualified name of test executed.

Optional automatedTestStorage

automatedTestStorage: string

Container to which test belongs.

Optional automatedTestType

automatedTestType: string

Type of automated test.

Optional automatedTestTypeId

automatedTestTypeId: string

Optional build

Shallow reference to build associated with test result.

Optional buildReference

buildReference: BuildReference

Reference to build associated with test result.

Optional comment

comment: string

Comment in a test result.

Optional completedDate

completedDate: Date

Time when test execution completed.

Optional computerName

computerName: string

Machine name where test executed.

Optional configuration

configuration: ShallowReference

Test configuration of a test result.

Optional createdDate

createdDate: Date

Timestamp when test result created.

Optional customFields

customFields: Array<CustomTestField>

Additional properties of test result.

Optional durationInMs

durationInMs: number

Duration of test execution in milliseconds.

Optional errorMessage

errorMessage: string

Error message in test execution.

Optional failingSince

failingSince: FailingSince

Information when test results started failing.

Optional failureType

failureType: string

Failure type of test result.

Optional id

id: number

ID of a test result.

Optional iterationDetails

iterationDetails: Array<TestIterationDetailsModel>

Test result details of test iterations.

Optional lastUpdatedBy

lastUpdatedBy: IdentityRef

Reference to identity last updated test result.

Optional lastUpdatedDate

lastUpdatedDate: Date

Last updated datetime of test result.

Optional outcome

outcome: string

Test outcome of test result.

Optional owner

Reference to test owner.

Optional priority

priority: number

Priority of test executed.

Optional project

Reference to team project.

Optional release

Shallow reference to release associated with test result.

Optional releaseReference

releaseReference: ReleaseReference

Reference to release associated with test result.

Optional resetCount

resetCount: number

Optional resolutionState

resolutionState: string

Resolution state of test result.

Optional resolutionStateId

resolutionStateId: number

ID of resolution state.

Optional revision

revision: number

Revision number of test result.

Optional runBy

Reference to identity executed the test.

Optional stackTrace

stackTrace: string


Optional startedDate

startedDate: Date

Time when test execution started.

Optional state

state: string

State of test result.

Optional subResults

subResults: Array<TestSubResult>

List of sub results inside a test result, if ResultGroupType is not None, it holds corresponding type sub results.

Optional testCase

Reference to the test executed.

Optional testCaseReferenceId

testCaseReferenceId: number

Reference ID of test used by test result.

Optional testCaseRevision

testCaseRevision: number

Name of test.

Optional testCaseTitle

testCaseTitle: string

Name of test.

Optional testPlan

Reference to test plan test case workitem is part of.

Optional testPoint

testPoint: ShallowReference

Reference to the test point executed.

Optional testRun

Reference to test run.

Optional testSuite

testSuite: ShallowReference

Reference to test suite test case workitem is part of.

Optional url

url: string

Url of test result.

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