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Interface GitPullRequest

Represents all the data associated with a pull request.


  • GitPullRequest



Optional artifactId

artifactId: string

A string which uniquely identifies this pull request. To generate an artifact ID for a pull request, use this template: vstfs:///Git/PullRequestId/{projectId}/{repositoryId}/{pullRequestId}

Optional autoCompleteSetBy

autoCompleteSetBy: IdentityRef

If set, auto-complete is enabled for this pull request and this is the identity that enabled it.

Optional closedBy

closedBy: IdentityRef

The user who closed the pull request.

Optional closedDate

closedDate: Date

The date when the pull request was closed (completed, abandoned, or merged externally).

Optional codeReviewId

codeReviewId: number

The code review ID of the pull request. Used internally.

Optional commits

commits: Array<GitCommitRef>

The commits contained in the pull request.

Optional completionOptions

Options which affect how the pull request will be merged when it is completed.

Optional completionQueueTime

completionQueueTime: Date

The most recent date at which the pull request entered the queue to be completed. Used internally.

Optional createdBy

createdBy: IdentityRef

The identity of the user who created the pull request.

Optional creationDate

creationDate: Date

The date when the pull request was created.

Optional description

description: string

The description of the pull request.

Optional forkSource

forkSource: GitForkRef

If this is a PR from a fork this will contain information about its source.

Optional isDraft

isDraft: boolean

Draft / WIP pull request.

Optional labels

labels: Array<WebApiTagDefinition>

The labels associated with the pull request.

Optional lastMergeCommit

lastMergeCommit: GitCommitRef

The commit of the most recent pull request merge. If empty, the most recent merge is in progress or was unsuccessful.

Optional lastMergeSourceCommit

lastMergeSourceCommit: GitCommitRef

The commit at the head of the source branch at the time of the last pull request merge.

Optional lastMergeTargetCommit

lastMergeTargetCommit: GitCommitRef

The commit at the head of the target branch at the time of the last pull request merge.

Optional links

Links to other related objects.

Optional mergeFailureMessage

mergeFailureMessage: string

If set, pull request merge failed for this reason.

Optional mergeId

mergeId: string

The ID of the job used to run the pull request merge. Used internally.

Optional mergeOptions

Options used when the pull request merge runs. These are separate from completion options since completion happens only once and a new merge will run every time the source branch of the pull request changes.

Optional pullRequestId

pullRequestId: number

The ID of the pull request.

Optional remoteUrl

remoteUrl: string

Used internally.

Optional repository

repository: GitRepository

The repository containing the target branch of the pull request.

Optional reviewers

reviewers: Array<IdentityRefWithVote>

A list of reviewers on the pull request along with the state of their votes.

Optional sourceRefName

sourceRefName: string

The name of the source branch of the pull request.

Optional supportsIterations

supportsIterations: boolean

If true, this pull request supports multiple iterations. Iteration support means individual pushes to the source branch of the pull request can be reviewed and comments left in one iteration will be tracked across future iterations.

Optional targetRefName

targetRefName: string

The name of the target branch of the pull request.

Optional title

title: string

The title of the pull request.

Optional url

url: string

Used internally.

Optional workItemRefs

workItemRefs: Array<ResourceRef>

Any work item references associated with this pull request.

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