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Interface InstalledExtension

Represents a VSTS extension along with its installation state




Optional baseUri

baseUri: string

Uri used as base for other relative uri's defined in extension

Optional constraints

constraints: Array<ContributionConstraint>

List of shared constraints defined by this extension

Optional contributionTypes

contributionTypes: Array<ContributionType>

List of contribution types defined by this extension

Optional contributions

contributions: Array<Contribution>

List of contributions made by this extension

Optional demands

demands: Array<string>

List of explicit demands required by this extension

Optional eventCallbacks

Collection of endpoints that get called when particular extension events occur

Optional fallbackBaseUri

fallbackBaseUri: string

Secondary location that can be used as base for other relative uri's defined in extension

Optional language

language: string

Language Culture Name set by the Gallery

Optional licensing

How this extension behaves with respect to licensing

Optional manifestVersion

manifestVersion: number

Version of the extension manifest format/content

Optional restrictedTo

restrictedTo: Array<string>

Default user claims applied to all contributions (except the ones which have been speficied restrictedTo explicitly) to control the visibility of a contribution.

Optional scopes

scopes: Array<string>

List of all oauth scopes required by this extension

Optional serviceInstanceType

serviceInstanceType: string

The ServiceInstanceType(Guid) of the VSTS service that must be available to an account in order for the extension to be installed

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